sbEarth - Environmental Club

Environmental club

We're environmentally conscious at SBHS! This club works to educate the members and others on ways to help protect the environment and the health of organisms in it, including humans! Topics and projects might include global warming, water pollution, recycling, and endangered species. Fundraisers for environmental organizations and field trips are planned. If you care about the long-term wellness of our planet, then join us and make a difference!

Google Classroom Code: i4hjucy

Meeting Dates: 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/21, 12/5, 1/16, 1/30, 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, 5/22, 6/12

Meeting Location: C313

Dues: $10.00

Advisor: Ms. Mathe