Seniors (12th)


SBHS Team Information

 Assistant Principal Donato
Back to School Letter
 Assistant Principal Caravano
Back to School Letter
Assistant Principal Berry
Back to School Letter 

Google Classroom: 

To get up-to-date information about senior events, be sure to join the Class of 2025 Google Classroom!  Please email your Advisors or Dean and they will send you an invitation to join!

 Senior Privilege - Early Release

Transcript Corrections for Athletics and Clubs:

Please REVIEW the directions on the form and complete the request ONLY if you meet the requirements.  If you previously requested a transcript change and were not approved, please do not request this again.  WE WILL NOT REVIEW DUPLICATE REQUESTS.

Please note:  Advisors submitted lists of qualified members at the end of last year.  

Participation in one-time events is not recorded on transcripts.  Community service, memberships in community organizations, honors and achievements through outside activities will not be placed on the school record but should be included on your own resume.

For questions:

Activities - 

Athletics -

Academic: All academic questions about transcripts should be directed to your counselor who can assist you.