Peter Varela

Peter Varela

We cannot wait
to build relationships,
to build community, and
to support students
as they excel and flourish. 

Together we will make 2024-2025 a great school year!

Back to School Newsletter 24-25

Mobility Impaired Staff and Students

The South Brunswick High School maintains an updated list of staff and students with mobility impairments to plan for any emergency evacuation.  If you require any assistance, we ask that you email our school nurses at  [email protected] and include your staff or student name, mobile number, grade level and type of mobility impairment.  A school nurse will reply with evacuation instructions to respond to a posted “area of refuge” when on the second or third floor.  School staff are trained to locate and assist those with a mobility impairment during evacuations.  Thank you.   

SBHS After School Event Schedule

HS Sports & Night Events CalendarHS Sports & Night Events Calendar

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

HS Sports & Night Events Calendar

Upcoming Events

Mission Statement:
The South Brunswick High School Community values the pursuit of excellence, diversity through acceptance, and a safe and supportive learning environment.  SBHS empowers students to develop character, skills, and perseverance as they explore their passions and prepare for the future.
Beliefs Profile of a Graduate