HiTOPS/Teen PEP is a network of young people around the state taking an active role in educating peers about sexual health. This network, the New Jersey Teen Prevention Education Program, began in 1995 as a way to get students all over the state talking to each other about the dangers of risky sexual behavior.

HiTOPS/Teen PEP students help students protect themselves from harmful consequences such as HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancy and relationship violence. HiTOPS/Teen PEP educators at South Brunswick High School are chosen by the advisors based on student applications and interviews. Recommendations from teachers as well as former educators help in the selection for this program. The selected students learn advanced health information and present workshops at South Brunswick Schools and other places in the state.

This web site is intended to post information and answers to student questions about sexuality issues. This is for general information only and not intended to be personal medical advice. If students have personal questions they should speak with the school nurse, their personal health care provider or call a health clinic. Some resources for additional information are listed in this web site.


HiTOPS Favorite Web Sites for Teens:

Advocates for Youth www.advocatesforyouth.org

American Social Health Association www.iwannaknow.org

Go Ask Alice! www.goaskalice.columbia.edu


SIECUS- Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States www.siecus.org

HiTOPS Teen Health and Education Center, Princeton www.hitops.org